
How do I log in to GALILEO?


Users begin at the GALILEO login page located at:

Then enter the name of your school or public library in the GALILEO wayfinder:


Select the name of your school or library from the list. Note that you can use the wayfinder to narrow by the type of school or institution you are affiliated with.

wayfinder select institution

You will then be presented with one of two options.

Log in using your institution’s GALILEO password:

Enter your institution’s GALILEO password, then click “go.” If you do not know your password, contact your institution.

password entry screen

Log in using your institution’s Single Sign-On (SSO): Log in using your institutional credentials: the username and password assigned to you by your institution.

single sign on

To save the user time with subsequent logins, the wayfinder saves up to five previously selected institutions:

recent selections wayfinder

Note: If you already know your institution’s GALILEO password, you may enter it in “Know Your Password?” box on the login page.

Additional Information

Other questions in this category: Passwords, Searching & Citing, Technical & Access Problems

Keywords: access, password, login screen, single sign on, logging in, openathens, wayfinder

Last Updated: Thu, June 22, 2023 - 1:11:59