
How do I add GALILEO provided ebook MARC records into my catalog?


ProQuest Ebook Central

Ebook Central MARC records are available through LibCentral. To access LibCentral, you will need to request an account by emailing

Once you have received credentials, you can download MARC records by following these steps:

  1. Go to LibCentral (Ebook Support should provided a link.)
  2. Log in to LibCentral using the credentials you received from Ebook Support.
  3. Select ‘MARC Updates’ from the collections menu.
  4. Click the download link in the row with the latest date stamp.

You can read more about this in the ProQuest Support Center.


MARC records for EBSCO eBook Collections are available through OCLC WorldShare Collection Manager. You will need to set up access to OCLC’s WorldShare Collection Manager service. Steps for how to do this are available on the EBSCO Support site, here. You will be able to download MARC records for both collections you get through GALILEO, but also those you have purchased locally.

The collections you receive through GALILEO are:

  • Academic Collection
  • Community College Collection
  • High School Collection
  • K-8 Collection
  • Public Library Collection

EBSCO NetLibrary Collections

You can download the MARC records for the first, second, and ninth eBooks at EBSCOhost (formerly NetLibrary) collection from the GALILEO FTP server at Follow these directions to download the MARC records:

  1. Go to “EBSCO_eBook_MARC” folder of the GALILEO FTP server at
  2. Download the file named NetLibrary_I_II_IX.mrc (includes NetLibrary Collections 1,2, and 9).

Note: This file is 100 MB, and may take a while to download.

If you require additional assistance downloading eBooks at EBSCOhost MARC records, please submit a comment to GALILEO Support Services using the Contact Us form.

Additional Information

Other questions in this category: Support for Librarians

Keywords: ebooks, OPAC, MARC, catalog, ProQuest Ebook Central, EBSCO eBooks, NetLibary, MARC records

Last Updated: Mon, July 13, 2020 - 4:29:41