GALILEO Subcommittees

Open Access Committee

The Open Access Committee will provide guidance on supporting the use and creation of Open Access resources within GALILEO.  The committee will assess current Open Access resources and policies and make recommendations to increase the utilization of Open Access materials.  The initial goal of this committee will be to establish a general Open Access strategy for GALILEO.  After this initial phase, the committee will provide input on projects to assist GALILEO in meeting its strategic goals for Open Access.  Examples of possible projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Investigating existing OA initiatives and recommending GALILEO participation
  • Assessing publishing output of GALILEO affiliated authors
  • Exploring funding models to increase OA output
  • Supporting the negotiation of transformative agreements
  • Coordinating a standard set of OA policies for GALILEO members

Open Access Committee LibGuide

The Open Access Committee maintains a LibGuide to promote GALILEO-managed open access resources, communicate best practices, and serve as a starting resource for how to get involved in open access initiatives.

Current committee members

(TCSG) Michelle Barsom - West Georgia Technical College

(GPLS) Ben Bryson - Marshes of Glynn Libraries

(GPALS) Jamie Coen - LaGrange College

(USG) Jennifer Putnam Davis - Augusta University

(AMPALS) Erica Durham - Columbia Theological Seminary

(USG) Chelsee Dickson - Kennesaw State University

(USG) CJ Ivory - University of West Georgia

(GPALS) Will Jones - Richmont Graduate University

(USG) Monique Martinez - University of North Georgia

(GISA) Katie Mitchell - The Heritage School

(GPLS) Derek Mosley - Fulton County Public Libraries

(AMPALS) Bradley Ost - Atlanta University Center

(GPALS) Derek Otis - Oglethorpe University

(USG) Fred Rascoe - Georgia Institute of Technology

(USG) Craig Schroer - University of West Georgia

(GPLS) Angela Stanley - Georgia Public Library Service

(AMPALS) Teva Sweet - Atlanta University Center

(USG) Britni Williams - Albany State University